Child Trafficking, Pedogate, Sex Trafficking, Videos

VIDEO: I Confronted Jake Tapper on CNN’s Refusal To Cover Elite Pedophile Arrests!

There’s not only a widespread censorship of President Donald Trump’s record high sex trafficking arrests from the mainstream media, there’s an active movement in the media to cover up the country’s massive pedophilia problem especially with elite pedophile rings.

As I’ve extensively reported before, the MSM refuses to cover Trump’s war on pedophiles and this year’s record breaking number of sex trafficking arrests. CNN has gone out of its way to censor the pedophile epidemic plaguing this country and they particularly cover for elite pedophiles. For example, authorities recently arrested CNN guest and former Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer Jacob Schwartz for child porn. Schwartz downloaded thousands of images and videos of child porn including the rape of a six-month-old baby. CNN not only has refused to cover this, to this day haven’t even disavowed the abhorrent behavior of one of their network’s on-air guests.

I confronted Jake Tapper about this issue at Politicon in Pasadena on July 29. He told me that they did cover the human trafficking incident in San Antonio; however, he declined to give me an explanation as to why CNN refuses to cover the elite pedophile arrests. When I asked Tapper specifically about Schwartz he said: “I know…I saw that a few months ago.” Then Tapper bolted before I could ask him a follow-up question.



CNN has also declined to cover other recent elite pedophile arrests such as the arrest of California Assistant Attorney General Raymond Joseph Liddy and other politicians and authority figures.

Tapper has also stated that Comet Ping Pong is not tied to child sex trafficking. However, it is clear from Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis’ Instagram page that he has publicly promoted pedophilia. On his page, Alefantis posted photos of a child taped to a table, a photo of a baby for sale and called children “hotards”. He also wrote sexually explicit captions under photos with children and babies like “daddy likes butt”. Alefantis also posted a photo of a man holding a baby with what appeared to be anal beads around the child’s neck with the hash tag “chicken lovers”. The definition of chicken lover is an adult homosexual man who is attracted to an underage boy.

CNN is not the only media outlet that refuses to cover the elite pedophilia problem that is rampant in our society, none of the MSM will cover this atrocious epidemic. This begs the question – why!

Liz Crokin is an investigative journalist and the award-winning author of Malice.

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