Freedom of speech no longer exists.
That is, for conservatives.
The definition of freedom of speech according to Wikipedia: “Is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation.”
But I like the definition I found on better: “Liberty to express opinions and ideas without hindrance, and especially without fear of punishment.”
Keyword “fear.”
My journalist friend has been covering entertainment for several years and she recently decided to go back into political reporting. She was stoked to dive back into a niche she dearly loves and feels extremely passionate about. However, she’s been warned that it won’t be an easy transition since she’s been stigmatized as a gossip reporter.
She’s gotten her feet wet by exercising her First Amendment rights through her personal and private Facebook page. Last week she sounded off about the Fort Hood shootings. Fed up with the media’s refusal to call it a terrorist attack – even though it was then known Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar” and passed out Korans before shooting our brave soldiers – she did just that. Not only did she call Hasan a terrorist, she said that any Muslim who uses their religion to justify violence is an animal.
She was completely thrown off her rocker when the editor-in-chief of an extremely high-profile magazine wrote that she’s a “f—ing bigot” on her Facebook page based on those statements.
My confused friend e-mailed the outraged editor. She was certain he misunderstood her – she assumed he thought she was referring to all Muslims, which she was not - and apologized if he did.
The editor fired back, accusing her of propagating more hate and fear for people of Islamic descent, and said that she owed her Facebook friends an apology.
The last time she checked – it was her Facebook page, which she created to express her thoughts and opinions that are protected under the US Constitution.
Her goal was not to propagate fear and hate on peaceful and law-abiding Muslim-Americans. She just simply refuses to ignore what is really going on in this country. It’s called a war. A nasty and lethal ideological and religious war radical Islamic fascists declared on the United States decades ago. The battles began 30 years ago from the attack on the US Embassy and kidnapping of Americans in Iran in 1979, to the 1983 Beirut and Kuwait City bombings and murders involving the US Embassies and Marine base, to the 1988 Lockerbie plane bombing that killed numerous Americans, to the deadly first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, to the deadly attacks on US troops in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, to the deadly attacks on two US Embassies in Africa in 1998, to the deadly USS Cole attack in 2000. It was not until Sept. 11, 2001 — more than two decades after the Islamic terrorists took the US Embassy and American hostages in Iran — that most of our country finally woke up and acknowledged that we are at war with Islamic extremists. That is everyone, except for the liberal elite.
The war continues in many forms. Hasan’s killing spree of his fellow US soldiers in Fort Hood is yet another battle in this global war.
Unfortunately, in this grotesquely sick politically correct environment, she can’t call a Muslim extremist what he most certainly is, a terrorist, without being cast as a bigot.
There’s no way to prove if she caused fear and hate mongering for Mulisms, but you know what, she’s not the problem. Liberals would rather blame conservatives for the stereotypes and discrimination that occurs in this country against Muslims instead of the real culprits. Here’s a thought: Maybe they should direct their anger at Hasan and the other Muslim nuts hailing him as a hero!
The irony of the situation is that what her statements did do is incite fear and hate mongering for her and other conservatives. She spent the whole weekend rethinking her decision to jump back into politics. Is this how it’s going to be she thought? So every time she expresses her viewpoint she’ll be ostracized and cast as a bigot, homophobe, racist or some other crude label liberals like to dish out to distract from the real issue at hand. How wonderful.
Sadly, we are now learning that Hasan’s fellow soldiers shared the same fear conservatives hold. Fearing a backlash from the PC police, the military ignored several red flags indicative of his radical views. If their fear didn’t exist, those fallen soldiers may still be alive today. Political correctness killed those soldiers!
My friend also contemplated all the double standards that exist in the media. Particularly, how a woman such as Carrie Prejean can be viciously attacked and demonized for sharing the same political position on gay marriage as liberals – such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - only because she is a conservative.
That editor told her if she’s trying to be a “cutrate Ann Coulter it ain’t working” and that she should stick to “Lindsay Lohan”. And you know what, she almost did, even though she has two presidential campaigns under her belt, and a full resume in political reporting ranging from an internship with Bill O’Reilly to reporting gigs that landed her in the White House, State Department and at other huge political events such as the 2000 Republican and Democratic national conventions.
In the end, she decided to stick to her guns and not let fear and hate mongering prevent her from what she loves to do best. After all, this is America and God bless everyone in this country for having the freedom to pursue whatever profession his or her heart desires. And hell, if Arnold Schwarzenegger can go from The Terminator to the The Governator - she should be able to fight her way back into politics.
What helped tip her decision though, was what a Columbia College student said to her after she spoke to a class about her journalism experiences and her political viewpoints.
“Thank you for being you – you made my day,” the student said. “I am afraid to tell people I am a conservative for fear of what will happen to me.”
With that, my friend knew what she had to do. This climate of fear that exists for conservatives won’t change unless more people like her stick up for what they believe in. After all, by definition, freedom of speech is the freedom to exercise your opinions without fear of punishment.
So she’s pushing forward with the hopes to inspire more conservatives to exercise their Constitutional rights without fear.
And I must say, I couldn’t be more happy for my friend, because guess what…that SHE is me!
I am a conservative.
I am not a bigot, a racist, a bible beater, a homophobe or any other classic derogatory term liberals regularly use to demonize conservatives.
I’m an American, a patriot and a firm believer in the Constitution.
And I’ll be damned if I ever again, if even for a moment, allow any fool to scare me from exercising my most precious and sacred right as an American.
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