I got a little ahead of myself on Tuesday night during Senator-elect Scott Brown’s acceptance speech when I initially thought the great people of Massachusetts were chanting “45″.
I thought I heard “45”, as in the 45th President of the United States, but they were actually chanting “41” as in the Senate’s 41st Republican.
I sat at home and worked on the computer as I watched the speech three times in a row — on Fox News Channel since the bitter elite media didn’t run the speech in it’s entirety — and I found myself with goose bumps and cheering each time I viewed it. I wondered if any of the Kool-Aid drinking voters, who claimed to have had goose bumps over President Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, were now cheering for Brown too or perhaps actually voted for him. My guess would be yes considering that the blue state’s registered Democratic voters outnumber registered Republican voters by 5 to 3. Another motivation could’ve been the fact that their presidential candidate has proven to be the opposite of what they thought they voted for. I knew better.
What I found most interesting about Brown is what one of my drinking buddy’s texted me during his speech. The text read, “He’s the new W!” I got to thinking — could he be the next W and swear in as 45? As one who campaigned for Bush 43 for years, I can’t get over how many legit similarities there are between the two conservative leaders. I’m talking about everything from their personalities and personal lives to their politics.
Here’s what I’ve come up with:
“In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them,” Brown said during his acceptance speech.
There are many ironic similarities between the two men. However, at the moment, the most irony from Brown’s victory Tuesday night may just be that his vote could possibly be the one that kills the health care bill. That bill, of course, was his predecessor, Ted Kennedy’s, no. 1 ambition.
A few weeks ago I had never heard of Scott Brown. Just like W, he popped out of nowhere. When I worked on the Bush campaign in ‘98 people straight up thought his father, George Bush 41, was running again. Many voters had no idea who he was.
Don’t misunderestimate me though — I haven’t hung up my “Brown for President” yard signs just yet.
For now, I’m remaining hopeful that Brown can bring us the change he pledged he would during the most consequential special election this country has ever seen. After all, this man had the balls to serve in a small minority in the Massachusetts legislature for years and the conviction to run for a Senate seat no Republican has won since 1946.
My guess is, that when the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away and when the stadium lights go out, this man, will still have my support because he isn’t wasting anytime hauling Styrofoam Greek columns back to some studio lot!
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